SmartMinerPRO (SMP) is a software product developed by SmartMiner.PRO with a simple and convenient GUI. This version of SMP was created to work with each cryptocurrency based on these algorithms, including Bitcoin BTC. Ethereum ETH, Ethereum Classic, Bianace Coin, BSC, Grin, Monero, Ravencoin, Tron TRX, Bitcoin Cash BCH, Sumocoin, Neoxa, Kaspa KAS and many others. This version of SMP runs on Windows with CPUs and GPUs AMD or Nvidia and ASIC/FPGA.
- WebSite SmartMinerPRO:
- Official github developer:
- Bitcointalk:
DevFee — SmartMinerPRO (SMP) is completely free software. This does not apply to built-in programs for mining (miners).

Key Features SMP
• 💎 Built-in miners: XMR-STAK & XMRIG, GMINER. T-REX, TeamRedMiner, CGMiner, T-Rex, NBMiner, Nanominer, PhoenixMiner, CCMiner, miniz, cpu miner, cpuminer-opt, Kaspa Miner, Kawpowminer and many others.
• 🖥 Works on all versions of Windows
• 📊 Over 50 of the best mining puols
• ℹ️ Complete information about each currency with links
• 📈 CoinGecko price and coin statistics
• 📊 Coin mining statistics from Cryptunit
• ♻️ CPU & GPU Mining
• 🔸 Easy to use
• 🔸 Easy installation of other miners and .bat configuration files.
• 🔸 To start mining using SMP +, just enter your wallet in the .bat file of the selected miner
• 🔸 SMP + has demonstrated high performance when working with Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, Monero, Raven and other currencies, stands out for its high stability and easy setup.
• 🔸 Easy one-click CPU mining for CPUs that support at least SSE2 (only works on Windows x64).
• 🔸 Easy one-click GPU mining for NVIDIA GPUs using microarchitecture (compute capability) SM 3.0+.
• 🔸 Easy one-click GPU mining for AMD GPUs using any AMD GPU devices that supports OpenCL.
• 🔸 Integrated support for Simple Multi-Algorithm. Always mine most profitable algorithm.
• 🔸 Integrated benchmarking tool. Run it only once before you start mining and after every hardware/driver/software upgrade.
• 🔸 Watch-feature — automatically restart miner if crashed or hanged.
• 🔸 Much more..
How to start
1. Download «SmartMinerPRO»
2. Unpack the archive
3. Run «SmartMinerPRO.exe»
IMPORTANT! For your mining equipment, you must install the necessary dependencies. Since each miner program has its own requirements for work. For reference, you can refer to the root directory in the miner’s folder.
System requirements
! OS Support: Windows (32/64 bit).
— WINDOWS XP,7,8,10 or later (x64)
— CPU (x64/x86/ARM) For CPU mining a modern CPU with SSE2 support
— OpenCL for AMD GPUs. For AMD mining any AMD GPU with OpenCL support
— CUDA for NVIDIA GPUs. For NVIDIA mining any NVIDIA GPU with Compute capability (SM) 3.0 or newer
— up-to-date patches for OS
— up-to-date drivers for all GPUs
— Reliable internet connectivity
Note: .NET Framework 4.8 or higher and Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 2015 are required. No additional installations should be needed if you use Windows 7 or later. However, if you encounter any issues when starting application (application would fail to start or errors/warnings about missing DLL files are displayed) you should download and install Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 and Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 2015 (vcredist_x64.exe) (after installation a reboot might be required).
— Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8:
— Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 2015:
Full list Support miners SmartMinerPRO:
+ bminer
+ BZMiner
+ ccminer
+ Nanominer
+ Claymore
+ cpuminer-opt
+ cpuminer-GR
+ CryptoDredge
+ ethminer
+ Gminer
+ cgminer
+ sgminer
+ wildrig-multi
+ kawpowminer
+ KaspaMiner
+ lolMiner
+ miniZ
+ NBMiner
+ PhoenixMiner
+ Progpowminer
+ SRBMiner-CN
+ SRBMiner-Multi
+ TeamRedMiner
+ TeamBlackMiner
+ T-Rex Miner
+ TT-Miner
+ xmrig
+ xmr-stak
+ xmr-stak-rx
+ z-enemy
! Please note that the list of supported miners will be expanded with subsequent versions of the SMP
How to use SmartMinerPRO
1. At the first launch of SMP, select the coin to be mined • Optionally, you can choose what equipment will be used, according to the standard, all available CPU / GPUs are used.
2. Click «Start mining», in the mining parameters window, select the miner and the finished .bat file (coins \ pool) • By default, safe recommended settings for increased profitability of mining are used.
3. You can edit the .bat file to replace the wallet and pool values with your own by pressing the «EDIT» button. • If desired, you can replace the parameters of the request, for this we recommend that you refer to the practical guide in the root folders of the miners.
4. After replacing the values of the wallet and pool with yours, click «RUN»
5. Then begins the extraction of coins
Release Note:
Add Miner Software:
+ KaspaMiner:
+ BZMiner:
Update Miner Software:
+ GMiner 3.12
+ lolMiner 1.61
+ miniZ 1.9z5b
+ NBMiner 42.2
+ BzMiner 12.1.1
Add Miners and Updates SMP:
+ Team Red Miner v0.10.3.1
+ SRBMiner-MULTI GPU & CPU Miner 1.0.9
+ lolMiner 1.56
+ GMiner v3.06
+ Nanominer v3.7.2
+ miniZ v1.9z2
+ WildRig Multi 0.32.5
+ Team Black Miner v1.69
+ BzMiner 2.6
+ bminer 16.4.9
Add Miners and Updates:
+ teamredminer v0.10.0
+ SRBMiner-MULTI GPU & CPU Miner 0.9.6
+ lolMiner 1.51a
+ GMiner v2.99
+ PhoenixMiner 6.2c
+ T-Rex 0.26.4
+ NBMiner v42.2
+ Nanominer v3.6.3
+ TeamBlackMinerv 1.63
Add Miners & Update:
+ GMiner 2.96
+ TRM 0.10.0
+ T-Rex 0.26.1
+ xmrig-6.7.0
+ cpuminer-opt-3.19.7
+ lolminer 1.51
Updates Notes SMP:
Check generated DAG, a warning at very high GPU overclocking for Ethash, Etcash, KAWPOW and ProgPoW algorithms, helps overclock GPU without errors
checking Shares on CPU, a warning when the GPU is overclocked too high for the Ethash, Etcash, KAWPOW and ProgPoW algorithms, helps overclock the GPU without errors
DAG caching, if the GPU has enough memory, DAG files are not recalculated when switching to another algorithm when mining Ethash + Zilliqa or Nicehash, which has a positive impact on user profitability
auto-selection of optimal cores for each device on Ethash, Etcash, KAWPOW
ability to manually select the core on each device for Ethash, Etcash
GPU temperature control and shutdown in case of overheating
watchdog — a process-watchdog that monitors the state of key systems of the miner, and will restart the miner if it crashes or hangs
Mechanism to recover lost connections to the pool
Failover support — the Miner uses failover pools until the connection to the main pool is restored
support for secure connections
SOCKS5 proxy support
informative and readable display of tabular statistics on the console
detailed information per device (temperature, power consumption, load on the cooler, memory frequency, CPU frequency, power efficiency)
parallel output of the information to the console and to a file on the disk
built-in statistics server — remote monitoring of the miner in a web browser
memory settings for Nvidia GPUs with GDDR5X and GDDR5 memory
Overclocking core clock, memory clock, core voltage, memory voltage, fan speed, power limit for Windows
Safe DAG generation for Nvidia GPUs
auto fan speed control to achieve target temperatures
+Updates miner plugins:
ethminer 0.19.0
T-Rex 0.20.3
TT-Miner 6.1.0
z-enemy 2.5
SMP is a smart multi-currency cryptocurrency miner for CPU / GPU / ASIC / FPGA. Which itself finds the available equipment and selects the optimal settings. SMP + allows you to connect / disconnect / stop / start one or more farms in one click. During the initial start-up, in the “Quick Start” step, you can select a separate algorithm for each farm.